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Нарушевич А. С. Таврикия, или известия древнейшие и новейшие о состоянии Крыма и его жителей до наших времён.

Нарушевич А. С. Таврикия, или известия древнейшие и новейшие о состоянии Крыма и его жителей до наших времён. – К.: г. – 172 с.

Libraries: НБУВ: Попов/58 – відд.рідкісн.книги

Language of edition: russian

Historical period: 107 – 139 A.D.

I. Introduction 5

II. Names Tavrika 11

III. Her condition under Cimmeria power 22

IV. Under the rule of Scythian-Taures 27

V. Under the rule of the Greeks 30

VI. Under the rule Bosporians 33

VII. Under the rule of the Romans 38

VIII. From the time of the fall of the Bospor kingdom before the invasion of the Huns 43

IX. Under the rule of the Khazars and Pechenegs 50

X. From possession of the Russian 68

XI. After Vladimir to time Polovtsy 80

XII. Under the rule of Tatar Kipchak 90

XIII. Under the Lithuanians power 107

XIV. Under the power of Khans Perekop 139

XV. Under the rule of the Turks, to the fall of the Tatar 142

XVI. Some private news


Author: Narushevych Adam Stanislav (1733 – 1796)

Subject: Synthetic works on the history of Crimea