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Acta officii consistorialis Leopolensis antiquissima.

Acta officii consistorialis Leopolensis antiquissima. – Leopoli: , v. 1 = 9, 674 s.; 1930, v. 2 = 3, 707 s.

Language of edition: latin

Historical period: 1482 – 1498

Abstract (in Ukrainian):

«Найдавніші акти львівської консисторії». Т. 1: 1482 – 1489 рр.; т. 2: 1490 – 1498 рр.


Author: Rolny Wilhelm (1872 – 1941)

Subjects (3): 13 – 16-cent. religious life, Collections of documents 13 – 16 cent., Documents about Lviv