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Buko A., Dobrowolski R., Dzieńkowski T., Gołub S., Petryk W., Rodzińska-Chorąży T. A palatium or a residential complex? Recent research into the northern part of Góra Katedralna (Wysoka Górka) in Chełm.

Buko A., Dobrowolski R., Dzieńkowski T., Gołub S., Petryk W., Rodzińska-Chorąży T. A palatium or a residential complex? Recent research into the northern part of Góra Katedralna (Wysoka Górka) in Chełm. – Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, , t. 66, s. 101 – 154.

Мова видання: англійська

Анотація (англійською мовою):

The princely residence situated in Wysoka Górka, the northern part of Góra Katedralna in Chełm, has been researched for over one hundred years now, during several exploration seasons between 1910 and 2013. In the years 2010–2012, Wysoka Górka was excavated in order to verify the earlier ndings concerning its function, chronology and developmental phases. Within the complex, researchers have uncovered six stone and brick structures (A, A1, B, C, C1, D) which were used for nearly one hundred and fty years between the 3rd decade of the 13th century and the late 14th century. Preliminary architectural analyses have indicated possible borrowings from Hungary, with the royal residences in Óbuda and Székesfehérvár providing the closest analogies.


Автори (6): Буко Анжей, Добровольський Радослав, Дзеньковський Томаш, Голуб Станіслав, Петрик Василь Михайлович (1971 р. –), Родзінська-Хоронжи Тереза

Географічний об’єкт: Холм

Предмет: Дослідження пам’яток археології Київської Русі