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The lithic raw material sources and interregional human contacts in the Northern Carpathian Regions.

The lithic raw material sources and interregional human contacts in the Northern Carpathian Regions. – Kraków: PAU [distributed]; Budapest: Institute of archaeol. sciences of the Eötvös Loránd univ. [distributed], . – 146, [4] p.: fig.

Библиотеки: НБУВ: ІВ218479

Язык издания: английский

Исторический период: 2111 г.

Аннотация (на украинском языке):

Papers for the project funded by the Intern. Visegrad Fund Standard grant n. 21110211. Polish acad. of arts and sciences Kraków, Inst. of archaeol. sciences of the Eötvös Loránd univ. Budapest; ed. by Zsolt Mester.


Предмет: Археология Польши