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Bibliographical records (1 – 10 / 11)

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East-Central Europe in European history: themes & debates. – Lublin: Institute of East Central Europe, 2009. – 500 p.

Europa Jagellonica 1386 – 1572: sztuka i kultura w Europie Środkowej za panowania Jagiellonów. – Warszawa: Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, 2013. – 245 s.: il.

The Hansa town Riga as mediator between East and West. – Riga: Institute of the history of Latvia, 2009. – 231 p.: fig.

[Agstner R.] Von Kaisern, Konsuln und Kaufleuten. – 2011

[Baramova M.] Европа, Дунав и османците (1396-1541). – София: Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски", 2014 г. – 296 с.
