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Воронцов-Дашков А. И., Микешин М. И. Семен Романович Воронцов. Биография.

Воронцов-Дашков А. И., Микешин М. И. Семен Романович Воронцов. Биография. – Спб.: Санкт-Петербургский центр истории идей; Издательство
«Политехника Сервис», г. – 446 с.

Language of edition: ukrainian

A biography of Count Simon R. Vorontsov (Woronzow, 1744–1832), a participant of the revolution of 1762, a hero of the Battle of Cahul during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-74, an outstanding diplomat, the ambassador of the Russian Empire at the Court of St. James’s who served Catherine the Great, Paul I and Alexandre I, Princess Dashkova’s brother and the father of Field-Marshal the Serene Prince Mikhail S. Vorontsov.


Authors (2): Voroncov-Dashkov A. I., Mykeshyn Mikhail I.

Personality: Voroncov Semen Romanovych (1744 – 1832)