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Александров И. Ростов на Дону 150 лет назад.

Александров И. Ростов на Дону 150 лет назад. – Ростов-на-Дону, издание Ростовского-на-Дону общества истории и древностей, .

Language of edition: ukrainian

Historical period: 1768

Published work A. I. Rigelman "Statement and geographical description of the fortress of St. Dimitry of Rostov-on-Don and touching her in places, an essay on the decree of the Governing Senate in 1768".


Authors (2): Rigelman Aleksandr Ivanovych (1720 – 1789), Aleksandrov Ivan Fylypovych

Geographical object: Rostov-on-Don

Subject: Sources on history of St. Petersburg Empire (1700 – 1917)